Full Name
Brenna Ohrmundt
Job Title
Band Director
Wausau SD
Speaker Bio
As educators, we are consistently putting our students before our own needs. Our love and dedication to student success are the reasons we joined this career. As young educators, our passion and desire for achieving student potential can take precedence before our own physical and emotional being. As of late, our society has treasured the importance of self-care, but can often take a back seat to the new pressures of our careers. In this session, Brenna Ohrmundt will be sharing outlets that we, as music educators, can advocate for mental health well-being, both for ourselves and our students through our subject area. Brenna Ohrmundt (she/her) is currently a middle school band director at Horace Mann Middle School in Wausau, WI. Ohrmundt graduated Summa Cum Laude in Instrumental and General Music Education and Clarinet Performance from UW-Stevens Point in 2018. Prior to the Wausau School District, Ohrmundt taught 5-12 general and instrumental music at the ACHM School District in Alma Center, WI, and now is in her third year of teaching. In addition to the 2021 WMEA Conference, Ohrmundt has presented at the AIME Conference in 2021, Lawrence University Collegiate NAfME, multiple events at UW-Stevens Point, and has been featured in the New York Times online journal.